Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Lizard Helps With Funding For Those With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Disabled citizens in Australia are able to seek assistance from the NDIS, and this is exciting but also a challenge. So, Lizard steps in to aid these families through its meticulously-researched information on how to receive NDIS funding for individuals with autism to take advantage of the resources they need in a timely manner. This help includes an all-encompassing program of behavioral intervention.

The NDIS funding benefit children at a very young age who have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and are struggling with it daily. The funding will help to connect each child with a support system that will work on short and long-term goals, develop age-level skills, and educate them on community social skills and participating in these activities.

Lizard Centre

Lizard is committed to aiding families to help them find ways to gain access to NDIS autism funding. This assists in giving each family more options for supporting their child with behavioral intervention as early as possible. This program has a basis in Positive Behavior Supports as well as Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). The ABA program bases its approach in research and a variety of intervention. Because of this, autistic children who participate the ABA program have shown resulted in positive results overall. That is why each program is customized to every child’s needs in the areas of community activities, overall developmental skills within their age level, and the complete care that each child needs.

Lizard assists with acquiring funds through the following process:

  • Performing an initial developmental assessment to obtain results in your child’s strengths and weaknesses. The assessment is within a developmental sequence as well as norm-referenced to the child’s age level in order to easily determine your child’s results on the developmental range compared to other children at the same age level.
  • Develop a synopsis of the developmental assessment for the planning conference
  • Meet with you to come up with goals for your child
  • Write out a Goals and Measurable Objectives report that summarizes long-term goals for your child that can be measured and are teachable objectives.
  • Create a synopsis that explains Lizard’s resources and how they will be executed within the intervention strategies set forth for you child.
  • Present reference material that supports your child’s need for ABA therapy funds
  • Design, formulate, and give all required reports showing your child’s progress since beginning the ABA therapy.

At each planning conference, your child’s NDIS funding review will take place. This review is meant to ensure that the Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) program is serving its purpose which is to have a developmentally positive affect on your child. If it is determined that your child is improving and hitting goals, then support from NDIS funding could be discontinued or follow your child through the next stage of development. NDIS funding will follow and adapt to each child’s new phase of development at each age level.

Getting in Touch to Learn More

Contact us to learn more about how to involve your child in a developmental program to help with behavior related to autism spectrum disorder. You can get our information packet and have a free phone consultation regarding a multitude of support for your child through NDIS autism funding


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